युवाओ से मैं एक बात आज बेखौफ कहना चाहूँगी की कर्म ऐसा करो की तुम्हारा नाम हो, अपने बुजुर्ग माता पिता की सेवा ऐसे करो की जिससे तुम्हारी पहचान हो।
Nowadays, people hold high positions and become big officials but do not understand the dignity of their high position. Every day you all must have read and heard in many news and newspapers that despite having IAS and IPS, people are not able to take proper care of their own elderly parents. There are some IAS officers who have reached such high positions who do not even give two meals a day to their parents nor do they treat them with respect and dignity. Always remember that no matter how big a position someone occupies, he is not called great unless he awakens humanity within himself and understands the importance of his parents. Those who reach high positions and start understanding that now they do not need anyone in life and they do not need anyone's advice. But these are their mistakes which are very important to be corrected in time. The youth who make this mistake by taking the post of IAS and IPS, they need to be careful now because you will not remain young all your life and old age will also come. Often the youth who do not provide proper food to their elderly parents and do not take proper care of them do not feel any shame or regret for their actions at that time, but when they come from youth to old age, their children also do the same with them. When they start behaving as they did with their parents, then they realize their mistake and think that if only they had rectified their mistake in time, they would not have had to face such bad days. Because in their youth, some people often make the mistake of thinking of themselves as great and start becoming obsessed with arrogance and greatness of being the best creature. Some youth, after attaining high positions, often make the mistake of troubling their own elderly parents and make it their habit to always hurt them with bitter words. Just think, the youth who always insult their parents can never be respected in the world. The youth who exploit the elders at home in front of their children and keep their own parents hungry, when they grow up, their own children repeat the same history with them that they had done to their parents. Today, in every corner of the country, many elderly parents are living a miserable life despite having children. It is my duty to convey this special message to those youth that when you were born, from the time you were born till now, your parents must have spent so many nights awake to make you sleep peacefully, when you were hungry, they would feed you. After cooking the food of your choice, that mother must have eaten it with her own hands. When you were learning to walk, your parents must have held your hands and taught you to walk so that you do not fall and do not get any injury or pain. So today when you grow up, will you forget your duty? Will the parents who taught you to walk by holding your hand, throw them out of their own house? No big officer in the world, IAS or IPS, is bigger than just his big post. Big posts bring big responsibilities, that is, those responsibilities which always show an efficient and wise personality in their career path. No big position is greater than that of the parents, nor does it have any importance without the blessings of the parents.
Today I would like to say one thing without any fear to the youth, do your work in such a way that you get fame, serve your elderly parents in such a way that you get recognition.
आपने जिस तरह से बुजुर्गों के सम्मान में मार्गदर्शन क्या है वह काफी सराहनीय है आपका प्रत्येक लेख काफी प्रेरणादायक होता है हम सबको अपने माता-पिता बड़े बुजुर्गों का सम्मान हमेशा करना चाहिए जीन माता-पिता ने हमें पढ़ा लिखा कर इस काबिल बनाया है कि हम अपने पैरों पर खड़े हो सके तो हमारा भी फर्ज बनता है कि हम अपने माता-पिता की हमेशा सेवा करते रहें।
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